We shall end our study of Daniel by going through the Biblical ending of the
Prophetic time line. I have taken this from various sources on the net including the work done by Beth Moore in her study of the end times.
Also read this together with the article I have sent to you via email , which is on the sequence of end time events in more detail.
There are many theories out there that outline the end times and like I have said before, we should be careful what we read and always bear in mind that it is all human interpretation and people interpret these things differently. Be equally wary of writings identifying present world leaders as the Anti Christ and linking current world events to the end times.
Read reputable books by reputable scholars, talk to your pastor and more than anything else, read the bible, for God alone can be taken at his word. Be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Below is the order of events according to the Premillennialist theory:
Ascension of Christ----------church age------rapture------tribulation------Christ’s 2nd coming (believers with him)--------millennium (renewed earth)-----resurrection of unbelievers and final judgment------new heaven and earth-------eternal state.
Premillennialists take the thousand years as referring to Christ’s physical kingdom set up on earth after his return. . Ammillennialists on the other hand, believe that the end times encompass the time from Christ's ascension to the Last day, and maintain that the mention of the "thousand years" in the Book of Revelation is meant to be taken metaphorically (i.e., not literally, or 'spiritually'), a view which continues to cause divisions within Christianity.
Premillennialists believe that “the present church age will continue until, as it nears the end, a time of great tribulation and suffering comes on the earth. Many premillennialists believe this time of great tribulation and suffering coincides with the three and a half year period in Daniel. However premills divide into 2 very different models of understanding the future.
Historic Premills expect the church to go through the tribulation period. After that time of tribulation at the end of the church age, Christ will return to earth to establish a millennial kingdom. When he comes back, believers who have died will be raised from the dead, their bodies will be reunited with their spirits, and these believers will reign with Christ on earth for one thousand years.
Dispensational premillenialism is the view that the people of Israel are a people of God distinct from the church. The tribulation period and particularly the millennium, fulfills Gods promises in dealing with the nation of Israel.
The rapture of the church happens either before the 7-year tribulation period or at the three and a half mid point. The second half of the 7-year period will be far worse than the first. At the rapture the church is taken to heaven leaving the judgments and promises of God to fall on the unrepentant humanity and national Israel tying up with Daniel 7.
During the 7-year period many of the things that were predicted to precede Christ’s return will be fulfilled. The great ingathering of the fullness of the Jewish people will occur, as they trust Christ as their Messiah. In the midst of great suffering there will also be much effective evangelism, especially carried out by the new Jewish Christians.
At the end of the tribulation Christ will then come back with his saints to reign on the earth for one thousand years. Scholars believe the millennium will begin with an entirely saved population. Those people, however, will have children who will also have children. A thousand years leaves ample time for many generations. Christ will not force them to believe any more than he has forced us to believe. Christ will rule over all nations “with an iron scepter” see Rev 19:15) so none will openly rebel. An undisclosed segment of the population however will refuse to allow Him to reign over their hearts. They will stand as proof that all mans rebellion and waywardness cannot be blamed on the enemy alone. He will be bound and yet numbers will be too proud to give Jesus their hearts.
Read Rev 20: 7-10 - As we can see one final war will take place at the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ.
Satan will be loosed for a short season at the end of the millennium and be allowed one last stand. His deceptions will resonate with the minds of proud men who want to believe him, and they foolishly gather with him against the Kings.
The finale of mans sin will be much like the beginning. Rebellious humanity will want to believe the supreme lie of Satan who proposes, “ Why worship God when you can be your own God?”
How shocked they’ll be to waken to the lie. In reality man never could be a God. Those who chose themselves unknowingly made Satan their God.
Bottom line, in the end, is that the things of independent men will turn out to be the things of Satan. Fire will devour the rebellious (see vs. 9) and judgment will fall on the devil, “ fo lo his doom is sure”. Satan will not get away with one single scheme he waged against you.
The 2 forms of premillenialism agree about the events at the end of the thousand years. Satan will be loosed from the bottomless pit and will join forces with many unbelievers who have submitted outwardly to Christ’s reign but have inwardly been seething in rebellion against him. Satan will gather these rebellious people for battle against Christ, but they will be decisively defeated. Christ will then raise from the dead all the unbelievers who have died throughout history, and they will stand before him for final judgment. After the final judgment has occurred believers will enter into the eternal state.
From the book of Revelations and other prophecies it appears that resurrections for different groups of people take place at different times, as do their subsequent judgments. Keep in mind that everyone will appear before God’s throne, believers and unbelievers alike, but not at the same time and certainly not with the same results.
Here are some of the basics of these judgments:
Christians will stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive reward or loss of reward based on our deeds (see 2Cor.5: 10; 1Cor. 3:10-15). Each person’s work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each mans work. (1 Cor 3:13). Loss of reward will primarily reflect things such as overlooked opportunities and impure motives. It is believed, though that we will have a momentary awareness of any loss of reward at our judgment as Paul assures us that, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1)
Scholars do not believe though that our most sinful moments will be publicly exposed when we are judged.
Unbelieving Jews who are alive at the end of the tribulation will be judged after the second coming of Christ (see Matt25: 1-30). Believing Jews will enter the kingdom as the redeemed to join others who will reign with Christ under His supreme authority. Unbelieving gentiles will be judged as well and enter the kingdom among the redeemed.
Read 20: 11-15 - Some scholars believe this resurrection and impeding judgment at the great white throne is reserved only for the lost. “ From the scriptures it seems that all the righteous dead have been raised, including Old Testament saints, the dead of the great Tribulation and the church saints, the body of Christ. Thus it may be assumed that verses 11-15 refer to the judgment of the wicked dead, who according to verse 5 would not be resurrected until after the thousand years and will have no part in what is called the first resurrection. If this interpretation is accurate, the judgment rendered in this harrowing courtroom involves how these will spend eternity as well as where. The judgment rendered at the great white throne involves punishment. Verse 12 contains an important piece of information. This verse quite possibly infers degrees of punishment. Though “hell” will be a place of inescapable and terrible misery, it will not be uniform. The punishment of some will be much worse than others. God’s punishments always fit the crime.
Other scholars interpret this judgment as involving both the lost and the saved. “ These are part of the ‘rest of the dead’ who were resurrected at the close of the thousand year period (vs5)…Reference to the book of life as part of the final testimony suggests a general judgment of the entire human race (excluding martyrs who had already entered into their reward.)
Whatever the case, we can rely on the words of Romans 2:2 “ Now we know that gods Judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.” God is just; we can rest assured that all timing and all punishment will be appropriate.
Read 1 Cor 15:24 -26 - Behold the glorious summation in verse 24. At this point, Gods kingdom will have come and Christ will have done his Fathers will on earth as it is in Heaven. He will have reigned victoriously for a thousand years over the earth he created according to their plan. At the fullness of time, Christ will hand over the kingdom with only perfect people remaining to his Father. It will merge with the eternal kingdom and all creations purpose will be accomplished. Christ will then face and destroy His ultimate enemy. (See 1 Cor 15:26).
Read Rev 21: 1-6 - these verses describe the final event on the kingdom calendar. The clock will tick its final tock and God will usher in the eternal state.
Scriptures final chapter begins with the words.” Then the angel showed me the river of water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God. (Rev 22:1)
Rev 22:4 pictures man finally looking at God.
Salvation is found in no one else,
For there is no other name under heaven
Given to men by which we must be saved
(Acts 4:12)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Book of Daniel - Chapters 11 and 12 -The King who exalts himself and the End Times
There is much debate amongst biblical scholars about the identity of the person mentioned in Daniel 36 to 39. Some believe it is Antiochus IV Epiphanes or it could be the Anti Christ. But as we have been reading the Book of Daniel, previous chapters have described the Anti-Christ in the context of Antiochus IV Epiphanes so it could be that the angel had ceased to speak of Antiochus IV and was now referring to the Anti Christ. Whatever the case we are told that this individual will "exalt and magnify himself above every god" vs 36 and we know that all forms of self-exaltation originate from satan. And the book of Daniel has shown us how to deal with this attitude. Verse 37 goes on to say, "he will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women." i.e. The anti christ will reject whatever religion is practised by his ancestors and he won't recognize any religion or deity at all not even pagan ones. Instead he will proclaim himself to be the ultimate power.
The God of fortresses is believed by some to be Jupiter or Zeus. The implication being that this individual will make war his God. More than his predecessors, he will wage war and glorify its horrors.
From vs 40 it is more clear that its talking of the anti christ. The Anti christ will wreak terrible and increasing havoc but only as far as god will allow him because ultimately God is still in control. Satans fury will explode to its fullest measure because he knows his time is almost up. Daniel 11:40 says that " the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the north will storm out against him." Israel will be the hot spot of horrific war at this time and many Jews will flee, seeking refuge among the Gentile nations. the end of Daniel 11 depicts the Anti Christ in " his royal tents between the seas ( the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea) at the beautiful Holy mountain", then the word assures us that, " he will come to his end, and no one will help him" vs 45.
Revelation 19:20 clearly teaches us that soon after Christs second coming, He will cast the anti christ ( the beast) and his false prophet alive into "the fiery lake of burning sulphur".
Daniel 12 the final chapter opens with the promise of ultimate deliverance for the faithful and resurrection for the dead. There is clear reference to the resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked, although different fates await both.
Daniel 12:3 tells us that "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens , and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Many people try to be stars in the world of entertainment, only to find their stardom temporary. God tells us in his word that we can become eternal stars by being wise and leading many to righteousness.
Closing up and sealing the words meant that the scroll was to be kept safe and preserved. This was to be done so that believers throughout history could look back on Gods work in history and find hope.
The power of the holy people (Daniel 12:7) seems to be crushed again and again throughout history and gods recurring purpose in this, is to break the pride and self sufficiency of his rebellious people and bring them to accept him as their Lord.
Trials and persecutions (Daniel 12:10) make very little sense to us when we experience them, but they can purify us if we are willing to learn from them.
The abomination mentioned in Daniel 12"11) refers to the altar of Zeus set up by Antiochus IV where he sacrificed a pig.
The promise of the resurrection was reaffirmed to Daniel in vs 13.
An ending perfectly ordained by God.
The God of fortresses is believed by some to be Jupiter or Zeus. The implication being that this individual will make war his God. More than his predecessors, he will wage war and glorify its horrors.
From vs 40 it is more clear that its talking of the anti christ. The Anti christ will wreak terrible and increasing havoc but only as far as god will allow him because ultimately God is still in control. Satans fury will explode to its fullest measure because he knows his time is almost up. Daniel 11:40 says that " the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the north will storm out against him." Israel will be the hot spot of horrific war at this time and many Jews will flee, seeking refuge among the Gentile nations. the end of Daniel 11 depicts the Anti Christ in " his royal tents between the seas ( the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea) at the beautiful Holy mountain", then the word assures us that, " he will come to his end, and no one will help him" vs 45.
Revelation 19:20 clearly teaches us that soon after Christs second coming, He will cast the anti christ ( the beast) and his false prophet alive into "the fiery lake of burning sulphur".
Daniel 12 the final chapter opens with the promise of ultimate deliverance for the faithful and resurrection for the dead. There is clear reference to the resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked, although different fates await both.
Daniel 12:3 tells us that "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens , and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Many people try to be stars in the world of entertainment, only to find their stardom temporary. God tells us in his word that we can become eternal stars by being wise and leading many to righteousness.
Closing up and sealing the words meant that the scroll was to be kept safe and preserved. This was to be done so that believers throughout history could look back on Gods work in history and find hope.
The power of the holy people (Daniel 12:7) seems to be crushed again and again throughout history and gods recurring purpose in this, is to break the pride and self sufficiency of his rebellious people and bring them to accept him as their Lord.
Trials and persecutions (Daniel 12:10) make very little sense to us when we experience them, but they can purify us if we are willing to learn from them.
The abomination mentioned in Daniel 12"11) refers to the altar of Zeus set up by Antiochus IV where he sacrificed a pig.
The promise of the resurrection was reaffirmed to Daniel in vs 13.
An ending perfectly ordained by God.
The book of Daniel chapter 11 - The kings of the north and South
Hang in there COZ we are almost at the end of the book of Daniel and I hope you are learning something.
Daniel 10 introduces the revelation and chapter 11 records the actual revelation.
Note that Daniel received these revelations as prophecy and to us, some of them,are now history. As revealed in the Book of Daniel, Foretelling and fulfilling prophecy is Gods speciality. 27% of the Bible is prophecy and 20% of the books of the bible are prophetic. From what we have seen from prophecy foretold to its fulfilment, Gods word has been proved true and believable. Yes we walk by faith but we also have fact to stand on. We believe because God has proved himself believable.
In Daniel 11 the Angelic messenger was revealing Israels future. Only God is able to reveal the future so clearly. Through these revelations, we are able to see that God not only focuses on the affairs of nations but also on the intricate details of peoples lives and his plans are unshakable.
The angel begins chapter 11 with the Persian period and in which Daniel was living.The chapter is loaded with detail and I'll try to explain parts of it to show how accurate Gods word is.
In verse 2, the angel tells Daniel that 3 more kings would appear in Persia and then a 4th who would exceed the others in wealth. The 3 more kings refer to those after Cyrus who was currently reigning. Xerxes (486-465 BC) is clearly the 4th king by description of his great wealth and expedition against Greece. He is also known as Ahasuerus in the book of Esther. He attacked Greece with a massive army and captured Athens in 480 BC. History records that the 3 kings who ruled between Cyrus and Xerxes I were:
- Cambyses (530 -522 BC),
- Smerdis (522BC)
- Darius I Hystaspes (522-486BC)
Kings after Xerxes I are not mentioned.
The king mentioned in Daniel 11:3 is Alexander the Great. After his death we already know from chapter 8 that his kingdom was parcelled out to Cassender, Lysimicus,Ptolemy, Seleucus.
Daniel 11: 5-9, and the verses that follow i.e vs 10 - 20, comprise a history of the ongoing conflicts between 2 divisions of the Greek Empire namely the
- Ptolemaic (Egyptian) and
- Seleucid (Syrian)
after the death of Alexander in 323BC until the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175 -163BC). This part of the prophecy was fulfilled more than a century before the reign of Antiochus.
In 252 BC, Ptolemy II of Egypt ( the south) gave his daughter Berenice in marriage to Antiochus II of Syria (the North)to finalize a peace treaty between their 2 lands. But Berenice was murdered in Antoch by Antiochus II's former wife, Laodice. Berenices brother Ptolemy III ascended the Egyptian throne and declared war against the Seleucids to avenge his sisters murder. He killed Laodice and took back to Egypt their metal images and their precious vessels of silver and gold. Later Seleucus II tried to retaliate, but failed. He entered the realm of the king of the south but returned to his own land. Just as the prophecy said. Wow, imagine that every single detail of this was given to Daniel.
For more historical background on this prophecy refer to the notes in the booklet sent to you.
What we learn from all this is that God knows all the details of our lives before they have even occurred. Study of these prophecies show us that God is good for his word and all events in our lives are like history to him. Our God knows what has been and what will be and we should trust him with our lives.
Daniel 10 introduces the revelation and chapter 11 records the actual revelation.
Note that Daniel received these revelations as prophecy and to us, some of them,are now history. As revealed in the Book of Daniel, Foretelling and fulfilling prophecy is Gods speciality. 27% of the Bible is prophecy and 20% of the books of the bible are prophetic. From what we have seen from prophecy foretold to its fulfilment, Gods word has been proved true and believable. Yes we walk by faith but we also have fact to stand on. We believe because God has proved himself believable.
In Daniel 11 the Angelic messenger was revealing Israels future. Only God is able to reveal the future so clearly. Through these revelations, we are able to see that God not only focuses on the affairs of nations but also on the intricate details of peoples lives and his plans are unshakable.
The angel begins chapter 11 with the Persian period and in which Daniel was living.The chapter is loaded with detail and I'll try to explain parts of it to show how accurate Gods word is.
In verse 2, the angel tells Daniel that 3 more kings would appear in Persia and then a 4th who would exceed the others in wealth. The 3 more kings refer to those after Cyrus who was currently reigning. Xerxes (486-465 BC) is clearly the 4th king by description of his great wealth and expedition against Greece. He is also known as Ahasuerus in the book of Esther. He attacked Greece with a massive army and captured Athens in 480 BC. History records that the 3 kings who ruled between Cyrus and Xerxes I were:
- Cambyses (530 -522 BC),
- Smerdis (522BC)
- Darius I Hystaspes (522-486BC)
Kings after Xerxes I are not mentioned.
The king mentioned in Daniel 11:3 is Alexander the Great. After his death we already know from chapter 8 that his kingdom was parcelled out to Cassender, Lysimicus,Ptolemy, Seleucus.
Daniel 11: 5-9, and the verses that follow i.e vs 10 - 20, comprise a history of the ongoing conflicts between 2 divisions of the Greek Empire namely the
- Ptolemaic (Egyptian) and
- Seleucid (Syrian)
after the death of Alexander in 323BC until the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175 -163BC). This part of the prophecy was fulfilled more than a century before the reign of Antiochus.
In 252 BC, Ptolemy II of Egypt ( the south) gave his daughter Berenice in marriage to Antiochus II of Syria (the North)to finalize a peace treaty between their 2 lands. But Berenice was murdered in Antoch by Antiochus II's former wife, Laodice. Berenices brother Ptolemy III ascended the Egyptian throne and declared war against the Seleucids to avenge his sisters murder. He killed Laodice and took back to Egypt their metal images and their precious vessels of silver and gold. Later Seleucus II tried to retaliate, but failed. He entered the realm of the king of the south but returned to his own land. Just as the prophecy said. Wow, imagine that every single detail of this was given to Daniel.
For more historical background on this prophecy refer to the notes in the booklet sent to you.
What we learn from all this is that God knows all the details of our lives before they have even occurred. Study of these prophecies show us that God is good for his word and all events in our lives are like history to him. Our God knows what has been and what will be and we should trust him with our lives.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Book of Daniel 10 - Daniels Vision of a Man.
The last 3 chapters of Daniel contain the final revelation from God.
Daniels final Vision occurred in 536BC when Daniel was about 85 years old. The Silver empire was thriving and the Jewish exiles had just been released as per the decree of Cyrus. The first wave of Jews had already made the trip back. Daniel probably did not go because he was now too old to make the trip, or God may have told him to stay so as to complete the work that he had set out for him.
Daniel must have surely moaned his absence from those returning to Jerusalem. But as his visions unfolded, all hope of lasting peace for those returning home was gone. Daniel fasted and grieved, for terrible days lay ahead for Jerusalem under the tyranny of a Greek madman.
The Vision,
Who did Daniel see? Some scholars believe that it was a mighty and awesome angel who hadn't been veiled in a form easier on the human eye. Some believe it could have been Gabriel clothed in light as those who dwell in the presence of God, who is light, are themselves clothed in light.
Others believe that it was the Christ. But would he need another angel to help him?
Note though that in Daniel 4 - 9 Daniel sees a man described as being ..."dressed in linen with a belt of the finest gold round his waist. His body was chrysolte, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude" At seeing this man Daniel is frightened to the point of fainting (" I fell into a deep sleep" ) and then in Daniel 10, it says a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. could it be 2 different people.
Some scholars believe the first was God himself, so awesome in all his glory that the men with Daniel though they could not see him, still fled and Daniel passed out. This being also hovered in the air above the middle of the river.
In Daniel 10:11 someone then says to him" Daniel you are highly esteemed, consinder carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, for I HAVE NOW BEEN SENT TO YOU". Is it possible that an Angel, different from the man in linen clothing, was introducing himself to the scene at this point. What do you guys think? Just as God introduced the interpretation in chapter 8 and then turned the explanation over to an angel, he could have done the same here.
Note that in revelations, on some occassions, John encountered Christ himself and at other times he encountered Angels. So in Daniel 10, Daniel could have encountered Christ first, then an Angel. No matter which interpretation is accurate, we can know that the glory of Christ Jesus, our immortal king, exceeds anything that can be depicted or explained in human vocabulary.
Although God sent a messenger to Daniel, a powerful spiritual being ( the prince of the Persian Kingdom) detained him for 3 weeks. Daniel faithfully continued praying and fasting and Gods messenger eventually arrived, assisted by Michael, the archangel. Imagine this.......Answers to our prayers may be hindered by unseen obstacles. Don't expect Gods answers to come too easily or too quickly as prayer may be challenged by evil forces in the spirit world. So pray fervently and pray earnestly without ceasing. Then expect God to answer at the right time.
The heavenly warfare was to be directed against Persia and then Greece. Each of these nations was represented by evil angelic princes or demons in the spirit world. But God is in control of the past, present and future and he has all events recorded in the book of truth.
Note that we can learn a lot from Daniels life. Daniel SET HIS MIND TO GAIN UNDERSTANDING AND TO HUMBLE HIMSELF BEFORE GOD. (Daniel 10: 12)
He set his mind - Our minds are the battlefield on which battles are fought and won or lost. Satan will tangle with us as long as we let him. Lets not have wavering minds that satan can mess with. Say to God " God I've made up my mind and I'm here to stay"
To gain understanding - Daniel never stopped seeking understanding . We read in Daniel 2: 20 - 21, ....."He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning". Daniel didn't sit back and wait for understanding he actively sought it with all his might.
To humble himself before God - Pride is the anti-God state of mind. Can God trust us with power, insight and influence or will our pride get in the way. Our minds are pre-set on Pride. Daniel set his on the things of God and to humble himself before him. Everyday we have to learn to re-set the button on our pride-prone minds and program humility instead.
Note also that when Daniel saw the vision he was frightened but the messenger reassured him. He lost his speech but the messenger restored it. He felt weak and helpless but the messenger's words strengthened him. Always remember that God can bring us healing when we hurt, peace when we are troubled and strength when we are weak.
Daniels final Vision occurred in 536BC when Daniel was about 85 years old. The Silver empire was thriving and the Jewish exiles had just been released as per the decree of Cyrus. The first wave of Jews had already made the trip back. Daniel probably did not go because he was now too old to make the trip, or God may have told him to stay so as to complete the work that he had set out for him.
Daniel must have surely moaned his absence from those returning to Jerusalem. But as his visions unfolded, all hope of lasting peace for those returning home was gone. Daniel fasted and grieved, for terrible days lay ahead for Jerusalem under the tyranny of a Greek madman.
The Vision,
Who did Daniel see? Some scholars believe that it was a mighty and awesome angel who hadn't been veiled in a form easier on the human eye. Some believe it could have been Gabriel clothed in light as those who dwell in the presence of God, who is light, are themselves clothed in light.
Others believe that it was the Christ. But would he need another angel to help him?
Note though that in Daniel 4 - 9 Daniel sees a man described as being ..."dressed in linen with a belt of the finest gold round his waist. His body was chrysolte, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude" At seeing this man Daniel is frightened to the point of fainting (" I fell into a deep sleep" ) and then in Daniel 10, it says a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. could it be 2 different people.
Some scholars believe the first was God himself, so awesome in all his glory that the men with Daniel though they could not see him, still fled and Daniel passed out. This being also hovered in the air above the middle of the river.
In Daniel 10:11 someone then says to him" Daniel you are highly esteemed, consinder carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, for I HAVE NOW BEEN SENT TO YOU". Is it possible that an Angel, different from the man in linen clothing, was introducing himself to the scene at this point. What do you guys think? Just as God introduced the interpretation in chapter 8 and then turned the explanation over to an angel, he could have done the same here.
Note that in revelations, on some occassions, John encountered Christ himself and at other times he encountered Angels. So in Daniel 10, Daniel could have encountered Christ first, then an Angel. No matter which interpretation is accurate, we can know that the glory of Christ Jesus, our immortal king, exceeds anything that can be depicted or explained in human vocabulary.
Although God sent a messenger to Daniel, a powerful spiritual being ( the prince of the Persian Kingdom) detained him for 3 weeks. Daniel faithfully continued praying and fasting and Gods messenger eventually arrived, assisted by Michael, the archangel. Imagine this.......Answers to our prayers may be hindered by unseen obstacles. Don't expect Gods answers to come too easily or too quickly as prayer may be challenged by evil forces in the spirit world. So pray fervently and pray earnestly without ceasing. Then expect God to answer at the right time.
The heavenly warfare was to be directed against Persia and then Greece. Each of these nations was represented by evil angelic princes or demons in the spirit world. But God is in control of the past, present and future and he has all events recorded in the book of truth.
Note that we can learn a lot from Daniels life. Daniel SET HIS MIND TO GAIN UNDERSTANDING AND TO HUMBLE HIMSELF BEFORE GOD. (Daniel 10: 12)
He set his mind - Our minds are the battlefield on which battles are fought and won or lost. Satan will tangle with us as long as we let him. Lets not have wavering minds that satan can mess with. Say to God " God I've made up my mind and I'm here to stay"
To gain understanding - Daniel never stopped seeking understanding . We read in Daniel 2: 20 - 21, ....."He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning". Daniel didn't sit back and wait for understanding he actively sought it with all his might.
To humble himself before God - Pride is the anti-God state of mind. Can God trust us with power, insight and influence or will our pride get in the way. Our minds are pre-set on Pride. Daniel set his on the things of God and to humble himself before him. Everyday we have to learn to re-set the button on our pride-prone minds and program humility instead.
Note also that when Daniel saw the vision he was frightened but the messenger reassured him. He lost his speech but the messenger restored it. He felt weak and helpless but the messenger's words strengthened him. Always remember that God can bring us healing when we hurt, peace when we are troubled and strength when we are weak.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Book of Daniel Chapter 9 - Daniels Prayer
The vision in chapter 9 was given to Daniel during the same time period of chapter 6. Darius is the same person mentioned in chapter 6.
In his prayer Daniel pleaded with God to bring about the promised return of his people to their land which according to the prophet Jeremiah , God would not allow for 70 years. Daniel knew of this prophecy and he realised that the time period was now coming to an end. The captives from Judah had rebelled against God. Their sins had led to their captivity. But god is merciful even to rebels if they confess their sins and return to him. Don't let your past disobedience keep you from returning to God? God still speaks clearly and accurately through the bible, and he also speaks to us through preachers, teachers and friends. Sometimes the truth we may hear from them hurts, and we would rather hear words that soothe even if they are false. If you are unwilling to accept gods message, maybe you are trying to avoid making some painful changes. Don't settle for soothing lies that will bring harsh judgement. Accepting the truth no matter how difficult can help you.
God had given the people of Israel a choice. obey me and be blessed or disobey me and be cursed. The affliction was meant to turn the people to God. God still uses circumstances, other people and most important his word, to bring his people back to him.
God had sent many prophets to speak to his people over the years, but their messages had been ignored.
Daniel knew how to pray and as he prayed he fasted and confessed his sins and he pleaded for God to reveal his will. He prayed with complete surrender to God and with complete openness to what god was saying to him. When you pray do you speak openly and honestly to God and with vulnerability? Daniel cried out to the Lord. He had deep concern for his nation and his people. So often, our prayers are without passion and true compassion for others. We must learn to pray by pouring out our deepest feelings to God.
Daniel begged for mercy and not help because he knew his people deserved Gods anger and punishment. God sends his help not because we deserve it but because he wants to show us mercy and we should therefore offer him our praise and thanksgiving.
Just as God answered Daniels prayer so we can be confident that he will also answer our prayers. I like the part where it says " ......as soon as you began to pray, an answer was given..." Daniel 9: 23. Imagine being interrupted by an Angel from God in mid prayer saying, ' hey I've come with an answer to your prayer'.... TJOOO!, I'd just be numbed. Imagine this, whilst we are still in prayer, God hears....not later, he does't have voicemail so he can check his messages later. Its right there and then. Psalm 139:4 says "before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord".
The angel Gabriel ( I just love this Angel) also called Daniel by name. Note that you will never pray an anonymous prayer and he said to Daniel that he had come to give him insight and understanding. Don't we all just need that. Lucky for us who have the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in us, we can ask him for this understanding. Keep seeking insight, stay in his word so you can recognise his voice. We have the spirit-empowered ability to hear God. I believe that God has great things stored up for those who esteem him and take refuge in him and its not things like material things and earthly riches, but things that matter to him e.g. a life of purpose, godly influence, open doors for ministry, deep satisfaction, restoration of relationships, and astonishing breakthroughs. All these are stored up for us and are only released by prayer.
Even though Daniel received the answer to his prayer immediately some of us may have to wait a while. Have you prayed for something real passionately and at that moment believed that God answered and then with each passing day of waiting for the answer to reveal itself, you started doubting. We've all been there. Remember this, If God always answers and if his word says it then, he will do it but note that sometimes his answer may be .....not now but later or a no and we have to learn to accept it because he knows best.
In his prayer Daniel pleaded with God to bring about the promised return of his people to their land which according to the prophet Jeremiah , God would not allow for 70 years. Daniel knew of this prophecy and he realised that the time period was now coming to an end. The captives from Judah had rebelled against God. Their sins had led to their captivity. But god is merciful even to rebels if they confess their sins and return to him. Don't let your past disobedience keep you from returning to God? God still speaks clearly and accurately through the bible, and he also speaks to us through preachers, teachers and friends. Sometimes the truth we may hear from them hurts, and we would rather hear words that soothe even if they are false. If you are unwilling to accept gods message, maybe you are trying to avoid making some painful changes. Don't settle for soothing lies that will bring harsh judgement. Accepting the truth no matter how difficult can help you.
God had given the people of Israel a choice. obey me and be blessed or disobey me and be cursed. The affliction was meant to turn the people to God. God still uses circumstances, other people and most important his word, to bring his people back to him.
God had sent many prophets to speak to his people over the years, but their messages had been ignored.
Daniel knew how to pray and as he prayed he fasted and confessed his sins and he pleaded for God to reveal his will. He prayed with complete surrender to God and with complete openness to what god was saying to him. When you pray do you speak openly and honestly to God and with vulnerability? Daniel cried out to the Lord. He had deep concern for his nation and his people. So often, our prayers are without passion and true compassion for others. We must learn to pray by pouring out our deepest feelings to God.
Daniel begged for mercy and not help because he knew his people deserved Gods anger and punishment. God sends his help not because we deserve it but because he wants to show us mercy and we should therefore offer him our praise and thanksgiving.
Just as God answered Daniels prayer so we can be confident that he will also answer our prayers. I like the part where it says " ......as soon as you began to pray, an answer was given..." Daniel 9: 23. Imagine being interrupted by an Angel from God in mid prayer saying, ' hey I've come with an answer to your prayer'.... TJOOO!, I'd just be numbed. Imagine this, whilst we are still in prayer, God hears....not later, he does't have voicemail so he can check his messages later. Its right there and then. Psalm 139:4 says "before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord".
The angel Gabriel ( I just love this Angel) also called Daniel by name. Note that you will never pray an anonymous prayer and he said to Daniel that he had come to give him insight and understanding. Don't we all just need that. Lucky for us who have the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in us, we can ask him for this understanding. Keep seeking insight, stay in his word so you can recognise his voice. We have the spirit-empowered ability to hear God. I believe that God has great things stored up for those who esteem him and take refuge in him and its not things like material things and earthly riches, but things that matter to him e.g. a life of purpose, godly influence, open doors for ministry, deep satisfaction, restoration of relationships, and astonishing breakthroughs. All these are stored up for us and are only released by prayer.
Even though Daniel received the answer to his prayer immediately some of us may have to wait a while. Have you prayed for something real passionately and at that moment believed that God answered and then with each passing day of waiting for the answer to reveal itself, you started doubting. We've all been there. Remember this, If God always answers and if his word says it then, he will do it but note that sometimes his answer may be .....not now but later or a no and we have to learn to accept it because he knows best.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Book of Daniel Chapter 8 - Daniels Vision of a Ram and a Goat
Chapter 8 precedes chapter 5 chronologically. The dream most probably occurred in 551BC when Daniel was about 70 years old.
Susa was one of the capitals of the Babylonian empire and was located in what is now Iran. It was a well developed city and was the winter capital of the Persian empire.
The 2 Horns were the kings of Media and Persia. The longer horn represented the growing dominance of Persia in the Medo-Persian empire.
The goat represented Greece and its large horn, Alexander the great. This is an amazing prediction because Greece was not even considered a world power when the prediction occurred. Alexender the great conquered the world with great speed and military strategy, indicated by the goats rapid movement. Shattering both horns symbolised Alexander breaking both parts of the Medo-Persian empire. Alexander the great ultimately conquered most of the known world and Greece became the greatest nation on the planet.
In vs 8 the large horn was "broken off" this is at the height of its power. Alexander the great died of a fever in his 30's at the height of his power. Before he died he had let success get to his head. He convinced himself that Achilles (the mightiest Greek warrior of the Trojan war) and the God Hercules were his ancestors. Whether out of pride or for political reasons or both, Alexander required the provinces to worship him as a god. note though that there is nothing wrong with doing great things though,sometimes asking God to cause us to do great things may not be wise. Why you may ask........we may become big headed and think its our own doing and forget to honour God i.e. we may become arrogant. Its a very fine line we walk when we ask as such. If we are not careful, the deeper motive could be using God as a means toward our own greatness. The point I'm trying to make here is that our being here is FOR GODS GREATNESS. A wiser prayer could be to ask God to do great things and if we play a part no matter how small then all the glory is his. In this way, we are humbling ourselves. Our aim should be to give glory to the father. Our lives would be greatly infuential if we simply ask God to empower us to do that for which we were created.
It would have done Alexander the great a great deal of good to realise that it is not for us that we achieve great things but for Gods glory. Alexander would have been greater if he had seen himself as smaller. Alexander the great accomplished great things because God ( the one who sets up kings and deposes them Dan 2:21) had an agenda. Amongst other things God used Alexander to spread the Greek language and culture all over the world an act that prepared the world for the gospel by giving common speech, the language of the new testament. Alexanders conquests paved roads for the circulation of scripture. How awesome is that. However God who deposes kings, deposed him when his heart became proud but God has accomplished his purpose.
Goats come Goats go but the greatness of God will always remain.
Alexanders kingdom was split into 4 parts under 4 generals:
Antipater - Macedonia and Greece
Lysimachus - Thrace and parts of Asia Minor
Seleucus - Syria, Israel, Mesopotamia
Ptolemy 1 - Egypt and Palestine
Daniel 8:9 states that out of one of them came another horn which started small but grew big. The horn we read about in Daniel 7 known to us as Anti Christ was prefigured in Daniel 8 through a smaller horn that history has named Antiochus IV Epiphanes. With Antiochus, God was giving us a taste of things to come. i.e. we know what Antiochus did i.e from the word:
- he threw some of the starry hosts down to earth and trampled them
- he set himself up to be as great as the prince of the host
he took away daily sacrifice from and the place of his sanctuary was brought down low and given to him
- he prospered in everything and truth was brought to the ground.
Eeeeish imagine how terrible things must have been under Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Memorize this name coz I tell you under the Anti Christ things will be much worse. Antiochus was just the dress rehearsal.
Antiochus IV Epiphanes (the small horn) attacked Israel in 2nd century BC. He was the 8th ruler of the Seleucid empire (Babylonia and Syria). He ruled for 11 years aggressively attempting to strip the Jews of all things Jewish and turn them into Greeks. He overthrew Israels high priest, looted the temple and replaced worship of God with a Greek form of worship. He executed thousands of Jews who resisted him. In 167 BC Antiochus erected an altar of Zeus in the temple precincts and offered swine on it. He decreed that sacrifice to Greek deities be offered in every city and village.
But our Great God again comes into the picture. A revolt started by Mattathias an elderly priest from the village of Modein and later carried on by Judas Maccabeus when Mattathias died using small Jewish forces (guerilla style)led to the defeat of the Syrian armies. Sounds like the work of God doesn't it. Antiochus himself went insane and died in Persia in 164BC. Gods power and justice will prevail.
Judas Maccabeus crowning victory was in the recapture of Jerusalem and the rededication of the temple which is now one of the Jewish festivals i.e. The Dedication or Hanukkah celebrated by all Jews in December.
If we fully grasp the devastation to come in the last days under the ultimate "master of intrigue" the thought would be almost unbearable like it was for Daniel. All the things that happened under Antiochus IV will be repeated on a broader scale just before Christs second coming.
The stern faced king describes both Antiochus IV and the anti christ.
Note that what is now history to us was foretold by Daniel. Hmmmmmmmm
Susa was one of the capitals of the Babylonian empire and was located in what is now Iran. It was a well developed city and was the winter capital of the Persian empire.
The 2 Horns were the kings of Media and Persia. The longer horn represented the growing dominance of Persia in the Medo-Persian empire.
The goat represented Greece and its large horn, Alexander the great. This is an amazing prediction because Greece was not even considered a world power when the prediction occurred. Alexender the great conquered the world with great speed and military strategy, indicated by the goats rapid movement. Shattering both horns symbolised Alexander breaking both parts of the Medo-Persian empire. Alexander the great ultimately conquered most of the known world and Greece became the greatest nation on the planet.
In vs 8 the large horn was "broken off" this is at the height of its power. Alexander the great died of a fever in his 30's at the height of his power. Before he died he had let success get to his head. He convinced himself that Achilles (the mightiest Greek warrior of the Trojan war) and the God Hercules were his ancestors. Whether out of pride or for political reasons or both, Alexander required the provinces to worship him as a god. note though that there is nothing wrong with doing great things though,sometimes asking God to cause us to do great things may not be wise. Why you may ask........we may become big headed and think its our own doing and forget to honour God i.e. we may become arrogant. Its a very fine line we walk when we ask as such. If we are not careful, the deeper motive could be using God as a means toward our own greatness. The point I'm trying to make here is that our being here is FOR GODS GREATNESS. A wiser prayer could be to ask God to do great things and if we play a part no matter how small then all the glory is his. In this way, we are humbling ourselves. Our aim should be to give glory to the father. Our lives would be greatly infuential if we simply ask God to empower us to do that for which we were created.
It would have done Alexander the great a great deal of good to realise that it is not for us that we achieve great things but for Gods glory. Alexander would have been greater if he had seen himself as smaller. Alexander the great accomplished great things because God ( the one who sets up kings and deposes them Dan 2:21) had an agenda. Amongst other things God used Alexander to spread the Greek language and culture all over the world an act that prepared the world for the gospel by giving common speech, the language of the new testament. Alexanders conquests paved roads for the circulation of scripture. How awesome is that. However God who deposes kings, deposed him when his heart became proud but God has accomplished his purpose.
Goats come Goats go but the greatness of God will always remain.
Alexanders kingdom was split into 4 parts under 4 generals:
Antipater - Macedonia and Greece
Lysimachus - Thrace and parts of Asia Minor
Seleucus - Syria, Israel, Mesopotamia
Ptolemy 1 - Egypt and Palestine
Daniel 8:9 states that out of one of them came another horn which started small but grew big. The horn we read about in Daniel 7 known to us as Anti Christ was prefigured in Daniel 8 through a smaller horn that history has named Antiochus IV Epiphanes. With Antiochus, God was giving us a taste of things to come. i.e. we know what Antiochus did i.e from the word:
- he threw some of the starry hosts down to earth and trampled them
- he set himself up to be as great as the prince of the host
he took away daily sacrifice from and the place of his sanctuary was brought down low and given to him
- he prospered in everything and truth was brought to the ground.
Eeeeish imagine how terrible things must have been under Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Memorize this name coz I tell you under the Anti Christ things will be much worse. Antiochus was just the dress rehearsal.
Antiochus IV Epiphanes (the small horn) attacked Israel in 2nd century BC. He was the 8th ruler of the Seleucid empire (Babylonia and Syria). He ruled for 11 years aggressively attempting to strip the Jews of all things Jewish and turn them into Greeks. He overthrew Israels high priest, looted the temple and replaced worship of God with a Greek form of worship. He executed thousands of Jews who resisted him. In 167 BC Antiochus erected an altar of Zeus in the temple precincts and offered swine on it. He decreed that sacrifice to Greek deities be offered in every city and village.
But our Great God again comes into the picture. A revolt started by Mattathias an elderly priest from the village of Modein and later carried on by Judas Maccabeus when Mattathias died using small Jewish forces (guerilla style)led to the defeat of the Syrian armies. Sounds like the work of God doesn't it. Antiochus himself went insane and died in Persia in 164BC. Gods power and justice will prevail.
Judas Maccabeus crowning victory was in the recapture of Jerusalem and the rededication of the temple which is now one of the Jewish festivals i.e. The Dedication or Hanukkah celebrated by all Jews in December.
If we fully grasp the devastation to come in the last days under the ultimate "master of intrigue" the thought would be almost unbearable like it was for Daniel. All the things that happened under Antiochus IV will be repeated on a broader scale just before Christs second coming.
The stern faced king describes both Antiochus IV and the anti christ.
Note that what is now history to us was foretold by Daniel. Hmmmmmmmm
The Book of Daniel Chapter 7 - The Ancient of Days
Daniel 7 is the summation pf prophecy. It lays out the flow of history from the time of Daniel himself to our future.
In Daniel 7 God is revealed as the Ancient of Days. In the midst of all the turmoil and trouble comes the Ancient of Days. He enters the scene as the Chief Justice of the Universe and he sits on a throne of fire and the book of deeds is opened before him.
Our God, the Ancient of days is the unchanging eternal God. He sits on his throne and rules over all history. Thousands upon thousands, ten thousand upon ten thousands of his angels wait on him and carry out his rule over all history.
Empires come and empires go, governments come and governments go, the wealthy and powerful make their plans and push their agendas, they come and they go. No matter the state of the worlds economy, no matter the state of world affairs, our God, the awesome Ancient of days rules.
When you face bad news, when you face uncertainty and fears, when you worry about your kids or your grandchildren, when there is chaos all around you, remember our God the awesome Ancient of days rules and he judges justly for all is written in the book of deeds. He is holy, pure, upright and honest and there is no sin or error in him.
His thrown is flaming, the wheels of his chariot are ablaze and infact a river of fire flows out before him consuming, burning away all that is unrighteous, all that is lacking all that is wrong and all that is impure. He judges justly according to his books.
How can we even stand in his presence. God knows the secrets sins of our hearts. Our crimes are before him in the book of deeds. He knows our doubts, our worries, anger, jealousy, lusts,greed. he knows the coldness of our hearts towards those he has commanded us to love, he knows it all. When those books are opened, NO AMOUNT OF GOOD YOU TRY TO DO can erase one entry against you and as the word, true and everlasting says " the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
Ah but wait a minute. We have the son. We can plead Jesus life and his righteousness as our own and he has paid the price for our sin on the cross. Justice has been satisfied and our names entered into the book of life. How awesome is that!!!!!
Our God, the Ancient of days judges justly according to the books and according to the record of what Christ did on the cross which we claim by faith alone. Therein lies the comfort for all believers that as we stand before the judgement throne and that by faith, the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross has satisfied justices requirements in our place.
In Daniel 7 God is revealed as the Ancient of Days. In the midst of all the turmoil and trouble comes the Ancient of Days. He enters the scene as the Chief Justice of the Universe and he sits on a throne of fire and the book of deeds is opened before him.
Our God, the Ancient of days is the unchanging eternal God. He sits on his throne and rules over all history. Thousands upon thousands, ten thousand upon ten thousands of his angels wait on him and carry out his rule over all history.
Empires come and empires go, governments come and governments go, the wealthy and powerful make their plans and push their agendas, they come and they go. No matter the state of the worlds economy, no matter the state of world affairs, our God, the awesome Ancient of days rules.
When you face bad news, when you face uncertainty and fears, when you worry about your kids or your grandchildren, when there is chaos all around you, remember our God the awesome Ancient of days rules and he judges justly for all is written in the book of deeds. He is holy, pure, upright and honest and there is no sin or error in him.
His thrown is flaming, the wheels of his chariot are ablaze and infact a river of fire flows out before him consuming, burning away all that is unrighteous, all that is lacking all that is wrong and all that is impure. He judges justly according to his books.
How can we even stand in his presence. God knows the secrets sins of our hearts. Our crimes are before him in the book of deeds. He knows our doubts, our worries, anger, jealousy, lusts,greed. he knows the coldness of our hearts towards those he has commanded us to love, he knows it all. When those books are opened, NO AMOUNT OF GOOD YOU TRY TO DO can erase one entry against you and as the word, true and everlasting says " the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
Ah but wait a minute. We have the son. We can plead Jesus life and his righteousness as our own and he has paid the price for our sin on the cross. Justice has been satisfied and our names entered into the book of life. How awesome is that!!!!!
Our God, the Ancient of days judges justly according to the books and according to the record of what Christ did on the cross which we claim by faith alone. Therein lies the comfort for all believers that as we stand before the judgement throne and that by faith, the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross has satisfied justices requirements in our place.
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Book of Daniel Chapter 7 - Daniels Dream of the 4 Beasts
We are half way there. So hang in there as the following Chapters are some of the most Key in relation to prophecy. This is one of my favourite chapters especially vs 9-10 as they talk about our everlasting God, the Ancient of days. I shall do Chapter 7 in 2 parts so that we thorughly explore it and hopefully stimulate Godly debate.
Chapter 7 rewinds back to the period when Daniel was 67 years old during Belshazzars first year as King.
Daniel had a vision of 4 great beasts each representing a world empire. This was similar to Nebs dream is chapt 2. Nebs dream covered the political aspects of the empires whilst Daniels dreams covered the moral aspects. In his dreams Daniel also saw Gods everlasting, indistructable kingdom arrive and conquer all.
The lion with an eagles wings represents Babylon with her swift conquests (statues of winged lions have been recovered from Babylons ruins)
The bear that ravaged the lion is Medo Persia. The three ribs in its mouth represent the conquests of 3 major enemies.
The Leopard is Greece. Its wings show the swiftness of Alexander the Great as he conquered much of the civilised world 334-330BC).
The leopards 4 heads are the four divisions of the Greek Empire after Alexanders death.
The 4th beast points to both Rome and the end times.
Bible scholars believe that the horns correspond to 10 kings who will reign shortly before God sets up his Kingdom. These 10 kings had still to come into power at the time of Johns vision in Revelations. The little horn is a future human ruler or the anti christ as some call him.
In the book of Revelation John also records a vision of a scarlet beast that has 7 heads and 10 horns (Rev 17:12). The Angel told John that the 10 horns were 10 kings most likely these would rule under the antichrist. 10 could literal or symbololize the totality of the powers on earth. Whoever the 10 kings are they will give their power to the antichrist and will make war against Christ and his followers.
At some point during the 10 king confederacy another gentile king or head of state will emerge. though at first he appears little he will prove incomparably powerful.The text also implies that he will exceed the others in intelligence and arrogance. He will be a political, oratorical, commercial, military and religious genius. He will be able to manipulate, seduce and contrive to get what he wants. 3 Kings or kingdoms will apparently resist his power and be conquered by force. The other kings will likely submit our of fear or a sense of inevitabilty. These will continue as separate nations but will come under the little horns control.
Daniel 7: 7-28 describes the successes of the little horn as well as he ways he will be defeated. Please re-read Daniel 7: 7-28 and list all the success's and failures implied or obvious of this little horn. Other names that have been given to the little horn are The lawless one, the beast, the antichrist.
We call the era in which we live the church age. It began with the birth of the New Testament church in Acts 2. It may also be referred to as the age of grace as opposed to the age of law in the old testament. We are in the church age and the 10 kings referred to in Daniel may emerge in the future. Remember from Chapter 2 that the coming of Christ will put an end to the rule of these kings. When and in waht order the events will happen remains to be seen. Daniel prophesied exactly 4 gentile empires and they've been no less and no more. Do you realise that to some degree, the Roman empire lives on today. Many of the countries of Europe and even the US are philosophical offsprings of the Roman Empire. Can we therefore say these events are unfolding.
Some scholars believe that the saints in Daniel 7 could be the people of Israel and that Israel will face great persecution during the last days and others believe it refers to believers i.e. christians. Whoever they are they are surely Gods people. The anti Christ will wear Gods people out, literally.
Satan uses exhaustion and profound discouragement to persuade us to give up opposing him. We must not give up. The context of the anti christs persecution suggests to many scholars that these times and laws are either religious or impact the practice of religion. Never lose sight of the fact that satans ultimate Goal is to set himself up to be worshiped via the antichrist. Some suggest that that "set times" are religious holidays which the antichrist will attempt to eliminate.
Other scholars do not interpret these laws as purely religious in nature or impact. They believe the anti christ will introduce a whole "new era" in which he will abandon all previous laws and institute his own system. One thing is certain he will force changes for the purpose of pure demoralisation, and his target group will be the people of the most high God. Step by Step he will attempt to crack the foundation under the saints feet.
The world will know terrible times before the coming of the Lord. How long will the saints be handed over to him? Look at Rev 11:2 (42 months), Rev 12:6 (1260 days), rev 5-7 (42 months). Thats 3 and half years. In Daniel 25 its a time, times and half a time. A time could refer to the passing of one set of annual seasons. If so a time is one year times 2 years and a half to give 3 1/2 years. Before you are tempted to wearily cast aside your jersey and quit,keep in mind that our team wins. When placed with other time references in prophetic scripture this point in Daniel Daniel 7:25 is refered to as the second coming which I shall continue in part 2.
Chapter 7 rewinds back to the period when Daniel was 67 years old during Belshazzars first year as King.
Daniel had a vision of 4 great beasts each representing a world empire. This was similar to Nebs dream is chapt 2. Nebs dream covered the political aspects of the empires whilst Daniels dreams covered the moral aspects. In his dreams Daniel also saw Gods everlasting, indistructable kingdom arrive and conquer all.
The lion with an eagles wings represents Babylon with her swift conquests (statues of winged lions have been recovered from Babylons ruins)
The bear that ravaged the lion is Medo Persia. The three ribs in its mouth represent the conquests of 3 major enemies.
The Leopard is Greece. Its wings show the swiftness of Alexander the Great as he conquered much of the civilised world 334-330BC).
The leopards 4 heads are the four divisions of the Greek Empire after Alexanders death.
The 4th beast points to both Rome and the end times.
Bible scholars believe that the horns correspond to 10 kings who will reign shortly before God sets up his Kingdom. These 10 kings had still to come into power at the time of Johns vision in Revelations. The little horn is a future human ruler or the anti christ as some call him.
In the book of Revelation John also records a vision of a scarlet beast that has 7 heads and 10 horns (Rev 17:12). The Angel told John that the 10 horns were 10 kings most likely these would rule under the antichrist. 10 could literal or symbololize the totality of the powers on earth. Whoever the 10 kings are they will give their power to the antichrist and will make war against Christ and his followers.
At some point during the 10 king confederacy another gentile king or head of state will emerge. though at first he appears little he will prove incomparably powerful.The text also implies that he will exceed the others in intelligence and arrogance. He will be a political, oratorical, commercial, military and religious genius. He will be able to manipulate, seduce and contrive to get what he wants. 3 Kings or kingdoms will apparently resist his power and be conquered by force. The other kings will likely submit our of fear or a sense of inevitabilty. These will continue as separate nations but will come under the little horns control.
Daniel 7: 7-28 describes the successes of the little horn as well as he ways he will be defeated. Please re-read Daniel 7: 7-28 and list all the success's and failures implied or obvious of this little horn. Other names that have been given to the little horn are The lawless one, the beast, the antichrist.
We call the era in which we live the church age. It began with the birth of the New Testament church in Acts 2. It may also be referred to as the age of grace as opposed to the age of law in the old testament. We are in the church age and the 10 kings referred to in Daniel may emerge in the future. Remember from Chapter 2 that the coming of Christ will put an end to the rule of these kings. When and in waht order the events will happen remains to be seen. Daniel prophesied exactly 4 gentile empires and they've been no less and no more. Do you realise that to some degree, the Roman empire lives on today. Many of the countries of Europe and even the US are philosophical offsprings of the Roman Empire. Can we therefore say these events are unfolding.
Some scholars believe that the saints in Daniel 7 could be the people of Israel and that Israel will face great persecution during the last days and others believe it refers to believers i.e. christians. Whoever they are they are surely Gods people. The anti Christ will wear Gods people out, literally.
Satan uses exhaustion and profound discouragement to persuade us to give up opposing him. We must not give up. The context of the anti christs persecution suggests to many scholars that these times and laws are either religious or impact the practice of religion. Never lose sight of the fact that satans ultimate Goal is to set himself up to be worshiped via the antichrist. Some suggest that that "set times" are religious holidays which the antichrist will attempt to eliminate.
Other scholars do not interpret these laws as purely religious in nature or impact. They believe the anti christ will introduce a whole "new era" in which he will abandon all previous laws and institute his own system. One thing is certain he will force changes for the purpose of pure demoralisation, and his target group will be the people of the most high God. Step by Step he will attempt to crack the foundation under the saints feet.
The world will know terrible times before the coming of the Lord. How long will the saints be handed over to him? Look at Rev 11:2 (42 months), Rev 12:6 (1260 days), rev 5-7 (42 months). Thats 3 and half years. In Daniel 25 its a time, times and half a time. A time could refer to the passing of one set of annual seasons. If so a time is one year times 2 years and a half to give 3 1/2 years. Before you are tempted to wearily cast aside your jersey and quit,keep in mind that our team wins. When placed with other time references in prophetic scripture this point in Daniel Daniel 7:25 is refered to as the second coming which I shall continue in part 2.
The book of Daniel Chapter 6- In the den of lions
This is the chapter that we most associate Daniel with. Daniel thrown into the den of lions. In this chapter Daniel was now over 80years old and was one of Darius's top 3 administrators. Daniel was working with people who did not believe in God and he worked more diligently and efficiently than them. One of the best ways to influence non-believers in the work place is to work diligently and responsibly.Represent your God well in the workplace.
However Daniel made enemies at work through his hard work. When you start to excel at work you may find co workers who get jealous and attempt to hold you back and bring you down. Daniel provides a god example of how to deal with such people. Be above reproach. Don't let them find fault with you. Show them that you have nothing to hide so that they don't have anything to use against you.
The jealous officials couldn't find anything wrong with Daniel so they attacked his religion as a last resort. In Babylon the Kings word was Law and with the Medo Persians even the King could not change it. Daniel stood alone. Daniel continued to pray 3 times to is God despite the Law. He was disciplined about this. How about us. Are we as disciplined. The biggest threat to our prayer lives is our busy schedules. We must pray regularly. We must not let the pressures of life cut into our prayer lives. Daniel also did not hide his prayer life. He continued to show his devotion to God. Daniel looked to God because he knew his help would not come from anywhere else.
When we trust God with our problems we get peace. How do you normally react when faced with trouble or problems. Most of us usually panic or become paralysed or we can pray about it. The God who delivered Daniel will deliver us too.
Because Daniel was faithful to God, God rescued him from the lions and Darius became convinced that Daniels God was the one and only true Living God. Be faithful to God so that he can use you to impact other peoples lives.
However Daniel made enemies at work through his hard work. When you start to excel at work you may find co workers who get jealous and attempt to hold you back and bring you down. Daniel provides a god example of how to deal with such people. Be above reproach. Don't let them find fault with you. Show them that you have nothing to hide so that they don't have anything to use against you.
The jealous officials couldn't find anything wrong with Daniel so they attacked his religion as a last resort. In Babylon the Kings word was Law and with the Medo Persians even the King could not change it. Daniel stood alone. Daniel continued to pray 3 times to is God despite the Law. He was disciplined about this. How about us. Are we as disciplined. The biggest threat to our prayer lives is our busy schedules. We must pray regularly. We must not let the pressures of life cut into our prayer lives. Daniel also did not hide his prayer life. He continued to show his devotion to God. Daniel looked to God because he knew his help would not come from anywhere else.
When we trust God with our problems we get peace. How do you normally react when faced with trouble or problems. Most of us usually panic or become paralysed or we can pray about it. The God who delivered Daniel will deliver us too.
Because Daniel was faithful to God, God rescued him from the lions and Darius became convinced that Daniels God was the one and only true Living God. Be faithful to God so that he can use you to impact other peoples lives.
The Book of Daniel Chapter 5 - The writing on the wall
66 years have passed since chapter 1. Neb reigned for 43 years and died in 562BC.
Here is a bit of History :- His son evil-Merodach ruled from 562-560 BC, His brother inlaw Neriglissar reigned for 4 years from 560 - 556 BC. Labashi-Marduk reigned for 2 months in 556BC and then Nabonidus from 556-539 BC. Belshazzar was the son of Nabonudus.
Today I'll share about Unholy Use of Holy vessels as this is what the scripture spoke to me about.
Balshazzar used Gods holy vessels as unholy like Satan uses Gods vessels (thats us)for ignoble purposes. If you have received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, you are a Holy Vessel. Note though that Satan cannot inhabit those of us who are in Christ because "we are sealed for the day of redemption" (Eph 4:30) but he can certainly use us for his purposes if we cooperate with him.
Think about it there are many ways in which we can misuse Gods Holy vessels - abuse of church funds,sexual sin, substance abuse incl alcohol and smoking, gluttony, causing others to stumble, destroying rather than building, speaking badly of others, acting out of anger, holding grudges. Ever wondered why a person who calls themselves a Christian behaves the way they do. Each of these examples demonstrates a way that satan can use a holy vessel to "toast" an unholy cause. We should therefore ask our heavenly father to give us Godly sorrow over these sins and repent. If you have slipped into a sinful way of life, turn away from your sin now before God removes any opportunities to repent.
Remember though that God is not looking for perfection but is looking for purity of heart i.e. our authentic desire to do his will and give him glory. " The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Now, though the King offered Daniel great power and rewards Daniel turned him down because Daniel was not motivated by material rewards. He was motivated by doing right. Doing right should be our first priority not gaining power and rewards. Do you love God enough to do what is right or do you seek him out for what you can get.
The writing on the wall
Belshazzar used the goblets from the temple for his party and God condemmned this act. We must not use for sinful purposes that which has been dedicated to God. The writing on the wall was for all those who defy God. God's time of judgement comes for all people. Remember "God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble". God will not let us prosper indefinately in our pride. God will defend his great name and spotless reputation.
Daniel called out Belshazzar as treating Gods holy vessels as unholy. Note that God repeated Mene to make it real clear. Tekel makes it clear that the kings of the earth and the heads of state will receive a divine evaluation (hee pee ma Zimba). Belshazzar's grade was FAIL he was found deficient. With Peres God not only told Bel that his kingdom would be divided but whom would accomplish it.
That night the Gold was gone and the silver had come.
Here is a bit of History :- His son evil-Merodach ruled from 562-560 BC, His brother inlaw Neriglissar reigned for 4 years from 560 - 556 BC. Labashi-Marduk reigned for 2 months in 556BC and then Nabonidus from 556-539 BC. Belshazzar was the son of Nabonudus.
Today I'll share about Unholy Use of Holy vessels as this is what the scripture spoke to me about.
Balshazzar used Gods holy vessels as unholy like Satan uses Gods vessels (thats us)for ignoble purposes. If you have received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, you are a Holy Vessel. Note though that Satan cannot inhabit those of us who are in Christ because "we are sealed for the day of redemption" (Eph 4:30) but he can certainly use us for his purposes if we cooperate with him.
Think about it there are many ways in which we can misuse Gods Holy vessels - abuse of church funds,sexual sin, substance abuse incl alcohol and smoking, gluttony, causing others to stumble, destroying rather than building, speaking badly of others, acting out of anger, holding grudges. Ever wondered why a person who calls themselves a Christian behaves the way they do. Each of these examples demonstrates a way that satan can use a holy vessel to "toast" an unholy cause. We should therefore ask our heavenly father to give us Godly sorrow over these sins and repent. If you have slipped into a sinful way of life, turn away from your sin now before God removes any opportunities to repent.
Remember though that God is not looking for perfection but is looking for purity of heart i.e. our authentic desire to do his will and give him glory. " The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Now, though the King offered Daniel great power and rewards Daniel turned him down because Daniel was not motivated by material rewards. He was motivated by doing right. Doing right should be our first priority not gaining power and rewards. Do you love God enough to do what is right or do you seek him out for what you can get.
The writing on the wall
Belshazzar used the goblets from the temple for his party and God condemmned this act. We must not use for sinful purposes that which has been dedicated to God. The writing on the wall was for all those who defy God. God's time of judgement comes for all people. Remember "God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble". God will not let us prosper indefinately in our pride. God will defend his great name and spotless reputation.
Daniel called out Belshazzar as treating Gods holy vessels as unholy. Note that God repeated Mene to make it real clear. Tekel makes it clear that the kings of the earth and the heads of state will receive a divine evaluation (hee pee ma Zimba). Belshazzar's grade was FAIL he was found deficient. With Peres God not only told Bel that his kingdom would be divided but whom would accomplish it.
That night the Gold was gone and the silver had come.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Daniels Fast
“In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” Daniel 10:2, 3
One of the great things about the Daniel Fast is that you are not limited to any specific amount of food, but rather to the kinds of food you can eat. The Daniel Fast is limited to vegetables (includes fruits) and water.
Please make sure to READ THE LABEL when purchasing packaged, canned or bottled foods. They should be sugar-free and chemical-free. Keep this in mind as you review this list of acceptable foods.
Foods to include during the Daniel Fast
All fruits.
These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Fruits include but are not limited to apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon
All vegetables.
These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Vegetables include but are not limited to artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini, veggie burgers are an option if you are not allergic to soy.
All whole grains
including but not limited to whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn.
All nuts and seeds, including but not limited to sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts, sesame. Also nut butters including peanut butter.
All legumes. These can be canned or dried. Legumes include but are not limited to dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, white beans.
All quality oils including but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame.
Beverages: spring water, distilled water or other pure waters.
Other: tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices.
Foods to avoid on the Daniel Fast
All meat and animal products including but not limited to beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish.
All dairy products including but not limited to milk, cheese, cream, butter, and eggs.
All sweeteners including but not limited to sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice.
All leavened bread including Ezekiel Bread (it contains yeast and honey) and baked goods.
All refined and processed food products including but not limited to artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives.
All deep fried foods including but not limited to potato chips, French fries, corn chips.
All solid fats including shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat.
Beverages including but not limited to coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol.
One of the great things about the Daniel Fast is that you are not limited to any specific amount of food, but rather to the kinds of food you can eat. The Daniel Fast is limited to vegetables (includes fruits) and water.
Please make sure to READ THE LABEL when purchasing packaged, canned or bottled foods. They should be sugar-free and chemical-free. Keep this in mind as you review this list of acceptable foods.
Foods to include during the Daniel Fast
All fruits.
These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Fruits include but are not limited to apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon
All vegetables.
These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Vegetables include but are not limited to artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini, veggie burgers are an option if you are not allergic to soy.
All whole grains
including but not limited to whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn.
All nuts and seeds, including but not limited to sunflower seeds, cashews, peanuts, sesame. Also nut butters including peanut butter.
All legumes. These can be canned or dried. Legumes include but are not limited to dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, white beans.
All quality oils including but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame.
Beverages: spring water, distilled water or other pure waters.
Other: tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices.
Foods to avoid on the Daniel Fast
All meat and animal products including but not limited to beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish.
All dairy products including but not limited to milk, cheese, cream, butter, and eggs.
All sweeteners including but not limited to sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice.
All leavened bread including Ezekiel Bread (it contains yeast and honey) and baked goods.
All refined and processed food products including but not limited to artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives.
All deep fried foods including but not limited to potato chips, French fries, corn chips.
All solid fats including shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat.
Beverages including but not limited to coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol.
The book of Daniel - Chapter 4 - Nebuchadnezzars Dream of a Tree
Although Neb praised God in Daniel 4 , he still did not believe in
him completely to submit to him alone. Many people attend church and
use spiritual language, but they really don't believe in God or obey
One of the most difficult lessons to learn is that God is
sovereign. He is above all of those who are above us. He limits the
power and authority of all the govt, business and religious leaders in
the world. While we may feel we are free to do what we please, God is
sovereign over all of our plans and desires.
Daniel 4 draws an unforgettable image of what can happen to a
human, no matter how powerful, no matter the state of his relationship
with God, when he allows his heart to swell with pride. No matter how
powerful a person may become self centred pride will push God from
that persons life.
No one rich or poor, powerful or oppressed, healthy or infirm,
enslaved or free, male or female old or young is exempt from the
temptation of being prideful. Pride is a state of mind. Its satans
speciality. We can become proud of our self discipline, sacrificial
giving, self denial, or worldly success and goods. Satan will ensare
worldly Christians by things like power, money, appearance and
position. In spiritual Christians satan can use smugness over
spiritual discipline and they may develop a superiority
complex. Some egos are swollen over what they do and others over what
they do not. Have you ever come across Christians who carry around
worn looking bibles ...hmmmm what are they trying to show.......I read
my bible alot, am Holier than thou. Or people who over testify - over
sharing can also have a strong tendency to glorify man than God and irritate listeners.
Daniel was stunned at the dream and wondered how to break the news.
He told the King he wished the dream referred to his enemies. Daniel
was grieved. Why? after all that Neb had done i.e. Destroying Daniels
nation. Daniel had forgiven Neb and so God was able to use him. Very
often when we have been wronged by someone, we find it very difficult
to forgive and let go. We may even be glad when that person suffers.
Forgiveness means putting the past behind us. Can you love someone who
has hurt you. Can you serve someone who mistreated you. Ask God to
help you forgive and forget and he may actually use you in an
extraordinary way in that persons life.
God demonstrated that Neb was just an ordinary man. Although God
had worked through Neb and allowed him victories, he was only
accomplishing Gods purposes. God warned Neb of the dangers of his
pride and then allowed him 12 months to change. When he didn't, in the
middle of his boasting God made him insane and he lived 7 years in
that state before restoring him to the throne. God showed Neb that he
was in control.
These lessons are clear to us today because of our place in
history. When our attention shifts to our own lives, we often find
ourselves unable to see how God is working. But we do have the
advantage of his word to guide us through life's challenges. We are
commanded to obey him and to trust him.
Trust him with your life today and remove pride from your heart. Bring yourself low so that God may be lifted up.
him completely to submit to him alone. Many people attend church and
use spiritual language, but they really don't believe in God or obey
One of the most difficult lessons to learn is that God is
sovereign. He is above all of those who are above us. He limits the
power and authority of all the govt, business and religious leaders in
the world. While we may feel we are free to do what we please, God is
sovereign over all of our plans and desires.
Daniel 4 draws an unforgettable image of what can happen to a
human, no matter how powerful, no matter the state of his relationship
with God, when he allows his heart to swell with pride. No matter how
powerful a person may become self centred pride will push God from
that persons life.
No one rich or poor, powerful or oppressed, healthy or infirm,
enslaved or free, male or female old or young is exempt from the
temptation of being prideful. Pride is a state of mind. Its satans
speciality. We can become proud of our self discipline, sacrificial
giving, self denial, or worldly success and goods. Satan will ensare
worldly Christians by things like power, money, appearance and
position. In spiritual Christians satan can use smugness over
spiritual discipline and they may develop a superiority
complex. Some egos are swollen over what they do and others over what
they do not. Have you ever come across Christians who carry around
worn looking bibles ...hmmmm what are they trying to show.......I read
my bible alot, am Holier than thou. Or people who over testify - over
sharing can also have a strong tendency to glorify man than God and irritate listeners.
Daniel was stunned at the dream and wondered how to break the news.
He told the King he wished the dream referred to his enemies. Daniel
was grieved. Why? after all that Neb had done i.e. Destroying Daniels
nation. Daniel had forgiven Neb and so God was able to use him. Very
often when we have been wronged by someone, we find it very difficult
to forgive and let go. We may even be glad when that person suffers.
Forgiveness means putting the past behind us. Can you love someone who
has hurt you. Can you serve someone who mistreated you. Ask God to
help you forgive and forget and he may actually use you in an
extraordinary way in that persons life.
God demonstrated that Neb was just an ordinary man. Although God
had worked through Neb and allowed him victories, he was only
accomplishing Gods purposes. God warned Neb of the dangers of his
pride and then allowed him 12 months to change. When he didn't, in the
middle of his boasting God made him insane and he lived 7 years in
that state before restoring him to the throne. God showed Neb that he
was in control.
These lessons are clear to us today because of our place in
history. When our attention shifts to our own lives, we often find
ourselves unable to see how God is working. But we do have the
advantage of his word to guide us through life's challenges. We are
commanded to obey him and to trust him.
Trust him with your life today and remove pride from your heart. Bring yourself low so that God may be lifted up.
The book of Daniel - Chapter 3 - The Fiery Furnace
The inspiration for building an image doesn't come from the holy spirit. Relating this to us, image building
is any way we intentionally make ourselves seem different and usually
more than we really are. Our current culture is obsessed with image,
obsessed with celebrities and we want to be like them. People also
constantly size each other up - I have a better car, better kids,
better job than you etc. There's also lots of people who struggle with
insecurity and even this is self idolising as we focus on me me me and
what I am or not i.e. I am ugly, I am too fat, I not
talented.......why me me me me. We need to recognise image building
when it rears its head. Nebs view was that the greatest in the Kingdom
was one who could make servants of all."Babylonian" thinkers need
others to bow in order for them to feel tall. We must realise that our
fulfilment is not in others treating us like VIP's but rests in God.
our focus should be on God not ourselves. We need to bow down to him
so that he is lifted up.
Neb got angry when the 3 refused to bow down. Often we find
ourselves getting angry when people don't do as we command. This is a
sign of self absorption and when we find ourselves being angered as
such we need to ask " why am i reacting" Your ego may be overly
involved with your authority.
The 3 guys could have used any reason to defy the king but they
stood firm in their conviction even in the face of danger and they
trusted God even if they were not sure of the outcome. We also need to
do the same. Don't compromise your convictions.
The guys trusted God though they were not sure of the outcome and
were determined to be faithful regardless. If God always rescued us we
would not need faith. Our religion would be a great insurance policy
and a lot of selfish people would line up to sign up. We should always
serve God whether he intervenes or not.
When we face trials there a 3 possible outcomes - we can
a) be delivered from the fire and our faith is built
b) we can be delivered through the fire - our faith is refined
c) we can be delivered by the fire into his hands - our faith is perfected.
God always abides with us even in times of trial and his ultimate
goal is for us to abide in him.
is any way we intentionally make ourselves seem different and usually
more than we really are. Our current culture is obsessed with image,
obsessed with celebrities and we want to be like them. People also
constantly size each other up - I have a better car, better kids,
better job than you etc. There's also lots of people who struggle with
insecurity and even this is self idolising as we focus on me me me and
what I am or not i.e. I am ugly, I am too fat, I not
talented.......why me me me me. We need to recognise image building
when it rears its head. Nebs view was that the greatest in the Kingdom
was one who could make servants of all."Babylonian" thinkers need
others to bow in order for them to feel tall. We must realise that our
fulfilment is not in others treating us like VIP's but rests in God.
our focus should be on God not ourselves. We need to bow down to him
so that he is lifted up.
Neb got angry when the 3 refused to bow down. Often we find
ourselves getting angry when people don't do as we command. This is a
sign of self absorption and when we find ourselves being angered as
such we need to ask " why am i reacting" Your ego may be overly
involved with your authority.
The 3 guys could have used any reason to defy the king but they
stood firm in their conviction even in the face of danger and they
trusted God even if they were not sure of the outcome. We also need to
do the same. Don't compromise your convictions.
The guys trusted God though they were not sure of the outcome and
were determined to be faithful regardless. If God always rescued us we
would not need faith. Our religion would be a great insurance policy
and a lot of selfish people would line up to sign up. We should always
serve God whether he intervenes or not.
When we face trials there a 3 possible outcomes - we can
a) be delivered from the fire and our faith is built
b) we can be delivered through the fire - our faith is refined
c) we can be delivered by the fire into his hands - our faith is perfected.
God always abides with us even in times of trial and his ultimate
goal is for us to abide in him.
The book of Daniel chapter 2 - Nebuchadnezzars dream
The chapter involves Nebuchadnezzar's disturbing dream. The dream disturbed him because God probably wanted to grab his attention and let him know that it was not just an ordinary dream. In those days dreams were considered to be messages from the Gods and wise men were expected to interpret them. In this case Neb however demanded that he be told the dream first. Probably to test the authenticity of the wise men or maybe because he had forgotten parts of the dream which often happens to all of us when we wake up and cant exactly remember what we dreamt.
Neb was angry with the wise men when they told him the Gods do not live among men. Of coz their Gods didn't, coz they didn't exist. Which exposed the wise men. They could invent interpretations but could not tell Neb what his dream was about. By answering the Gods do not live among men they betrayed the concept of the gods. They believed in gods but their belief made no difference to their conduct. Our God lives amongst us and wants to make a difference in our lives and to change our lives.
2. Note that Daniel spoke to Arioch with wisdom and tact. Daniels tact kept him from "tasting bad on the tongue of the executioner". Else they would have thought he was challenging the King. It is important to always be tactful in our dealings with people. Tact is wisdom, not flattery. look at colossians 4:6." Let your conversation be always full of grace seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone". Daniels tact kept his head on his shoulders.
3. Note also that when Daniel was at a crisis point he found his 3 friends and they prayed. When you find yourself in a tight spot share your needs with trusted friends who also believe in Gods power. Find a prayer partner you can share with and if you struggle to find one ask God to do the pairing. You could be the answer to someone else's prayer. Prayer is more effective than panic. Panic confirms your hopelessness whereas prayer confirms your hope in God. Daniels trust in god saved him.
4. If you ever think you have much to learn in life and if you want to know how to better handle people, life's curve balls, crisis, then look to God for wisdom. God gives wisdom freely to those who ask.
5. After Daniels prayer was answered, he took time to give God the credit. Always remember to give God the credit and thank him for answered prayer before dashing off in excitement.
6.God sets up kings and deposes them. He controls everything that happens. He governs the world according to his purposes. We get dismayed when we see evil rulers thriving, but God is in control and that should give us peace.
7. The head of Gold on the statue represented Neb, ruler of the Babylonian empire.
The silver chest and 2 arms represented the Medo-persian empire which conquered Babylon in 539BC.
The belly and thighs of bronze were Greece and Macedonia in 334 -330 BC.
The legs of iron represented Rome which conquered Greece in 63BC.
The feet of clay and iron represented the breakup of the Roman empire when the territory of Rome was divided into a mixture of strong and weak nations.
The type of metal represents the strength of the political power represented.
The rock cut out of the mountain represented Gods kingdom, which would be ruled eternally by the Messiah the king of kings.
The dream revealed Daniels God as the power behind all earthly kingdoms.
Gods kingdom will never be destroyed.
Neb was angry with the wise men when they told him the Gods do not live among men. Of coz their Gods didn't, coz they didn't exist. Which exposed the wise men. They could invent interpretations but could not tell Neb what his dream was about. By answering the Gods do not live among men they betrayed the concept of the gods. They believed in gods but their belief made no difference to their conduct. Our God lives amongst us and wants to make a difference in our lives and to change our lives.
2. Note that Daniel spoke to Arioch with wisdom and tact. Daniels tact kept him from "tasting bad on the tongue of the executioner". Else they would have thought he was challenging the King. It is important to always be tactful in our dealings with people. Tact is wisdom, not flattery. look at colossians 4:6." Let your conversation be always full of grace seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone". Daniels tact kept his head on his shoulders.
3. Note also that when Daniel was at a crisis point he found his 3 friends and they prayed. When you find yourself in a tight spot share your needs with trusted friends who also believe in Gods power. Find a prayer partner you can share with and if you struggle to find one ask God to do the pairing. You could be the answer to someone else's prayer. Prayer is more effective than panic. Panic confirms your hopelessness whereas prayer confirms your hope in God. Daniels trust in god saved him.
4. If you ever think you have much to learn in life and if you want to know how to better handle people, life's curve balls, crisis, then look to God for wisdom. God gives wisdom freely to those who ask.
5. After Daniels prayer was answered, he took time to give God the credit. Always remember to give God the credit and thank him for answered prayer before dashing off in excitement.
6.God sets up kings and deposes them. He controls everything that happens. He governs the world according to his purposes. We get dismayed when we see evil rulers thriving, but God is in control and that should give us peace.
7. The head of Gold on the statue represented Neb, ruler of the Babylonian empire.
The silver chest and 2 arms represented the Medo-persian empire which conquered Babylon in 539BC.
The belly and thighs of bronze were Greece and Macedonia in 334 -330 BC.
The legs of iron represented Rome which conquered Greece in 63BC.
The feet of clay and iron represented the breakup of the Roman empire when the territory of Rome was divided into a mixture of strong and weak nations.
The type of metal represents the strength of the political power represented.
The rock cut out of the mountain represented Gods kingdom, which would be ruled eternally by the Messiah the king of kings.
The dream revealed Daniels God as the power behind all earthly kingdoms.
Gods kingdom will never be destroyed.
The Book of Daniel - Chapter 1 Daniel in Babylon
Daniels early life demonstrates that there is more to being young than
making mistakes. No characteristic wins the hearts of adults more
quickly than wisdom in the words of a young person. Daniel and his
friends had been taken from their homes in Judah and exiled. Their
futures were n doubt, but they all had personal traits that qualified
them for jobs as servants in the kings palace. They took advantage of
the opportunity without letting the opportunity take advantage of
Our first hint of Daniels greatness comes in the quiet refusal to give
up his conviction. He had applied Gods will to his own life and
resisted changing the good habits he had formed. Both his physical and
spiritual diets were an important part of his relationship with God.
He ate carefully and lived prayerfully. One of the benefits of being
in training for royal service was eating food from the kings table.
Daniel tactfully chose a simpler menu and proved it was a healthy
choice. As with Daniel mealtimes are obvious and regular tests of our
efforts to control our appetites.
While Daniel limited his food intake, he indulged in prayer. He was
able to communicate with God because he made it a habit. He put into
practice his convictions, even when that meant being thrown into a den
of lions. His life proved he made the right choice.
Do you hold so strongly to your faith in God that whatever happens you
will do what God says?
Such conviction keeps you a step ahead of temptation; such conviction
gives you wisdom and stability in changing circumstances.
Prayerfully live out your convictions in every day life and trust God
making mistakes. No characteristic wins the hearts of adults more
quickly than wisdom in the words of a young person. Daniel and his
friends had been taken from their homes in Judah and exiled. Their
futures were n doubt, but they all had personal traits that qualified
them for jobs as servants in the kings palace. They took advantage of
the opportunity without letting the opportunity take advantage of
Our first hint of Daniels greatness comes in the quiet refusal to give
up his conviction. He had applied Gods will to his own life and
resisted changing the good habits he had formed. Both his physical and
spiritual diets were an important part of his relationship with God.
He ate carefully and lived prayerfully. One of the benefits of being
in training for royal service was eating food from the kings table.
Daniel tactfully chose a simpler menu and proved it was a healthy
choice. As with Daniel mealtimes are obvious and regular tests of our
efforts to control our appetites.
While Daniel limited his food intake, he indulged in prayer. He was
able to communicate with God because he made it a habit. He put into
practice his convictions, even when that meant being thrown into a den
of lions. His life proved he made the right choice.
Do you hold so strongly to your faith in God that whatever happens you
will do what God says?
Such conviction keeps you a step ahead of temptation; such conviction
gives you wisdom and stability in changing circumstances.
Prayerfully live out your convictions in every day life and trust God
Daniel Bible Study
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I am thrilled that you have decided to become part of Kings Daughters bible Study. I hope that you will actively participate so that it will add value to your lives and that your journey with God will be greatly strengthened. To take part in the study you will need to email me for an email copy of the study material so that you may participate fully.
Thank you for taking part.
I am thrilled that you have decided to become part of Kings Daughters bible Study. I hope that you will actively participate so that it will add value to your lives and that your journey with God will be greatly strengthened. To take part in the study you will need to email me for an email copy of the study material so that you may participate fully.
Thank you for taking part.
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